Hi! I am Emily Maus, RD.

Emily, registered dietitian happy with dog.

Hi! I am Emily a women’s health registered dietitian with a passion of helping others feel radiant in their health. I practice from a Health At Every Size approach and help women find and address the root cause of the unwanted symptoms from low energy, lack of control around food, irregular menstrual cycles, and beyond.

Just like you, I have struggled with trying to manage my blood sugar levels with years of yo-yo dieting and disordered eating habits. I took extreme measure to prevent developing type 2 diabetes. The ‘healthy’ habits turned into an orthorexia throughout my college years, which only worsened my energy, severe cravings, and acne. Finally… I decided enough was enough. Through healing my relationship with my body I found fondness in embracing each and every part of my journey. Now I live with an optimal A1c, while eating desserts (most days), & having more than enough energy to get me through my day. And three years later I am helping women just like you do the same—without restriction!

I am here to help you reframe the way you view nutrition and wellness, to support your journey towards balanced hormones for increased energy, clear skin, optimal lab values, and nutrition habits that feel like second nature, without giving up the foods you love or compromising your relationship with food!

What questions do you have?